Let's prepare and protect our Front Line Workers, Educators, Staff and Students in our K-12 Public Schools, Private Schools, Daycares, Colleges, Universities and Businesses. Our community deserves it.
Unity Learning Network, Inc. has been a leader in STEM and STEM projects teaching students how to connect and solve real life issues while considering Social Entreprenurship. Covid-19 is a national health pandemic that has impacted our lives & communities greatly. As a White House Leader in STEM for GA, proud partner of the National Small Business Association and a GA Economic Development Covid 19- Product Distributor, collectively we will partner with schools, churches, non-profits and small businesses to distribute PPE products and ensure the safety of students and their families. Together we have unity, we have hope, we have faith and together we have the solutions.
Dr. Tiffany Richardson, Executive Director
What is Social Entreprenurship?
Social entreprenurship is all about recognizng the social problems and achieving a social change by employing entrepreneurial principles, processes and operations.
The change may or may not include a thorough elemination of a social problem.
It may be a lifetime process focusing on the improvement of the existing circumstances.